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  • Eric Cheong

What keeps you from moving forward?

Sometimes I feel that it is pride that keeps us from moving forward in the things we do, in relationships, in friendships and even in the marketplace, because how "I" feel and what "I" want is more important. Hence, we want things to be done our way.

But in Phillipians 2:3, it says that "Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves." That's exactly what Christ did when He did not consider equality with God(even though He is) but humbled himself even to the point of death.

As we start a new week, let's take a step back before we react to something. Ask ourselves, "Why am I reacting this way (in anger, in disappointment, etc)?" or "Why do I insist things to be this way?" Is it because we consider ourselves better than others? Is it our pride that is keeping us from moving forward?

Let's count others more significance than ourselves as we continue to live this life. ‪#‎solideogloria‬

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